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Writer's pictureHygeia Touch 健康新體驗

「第二梯次 TIEC前進矽谷補助選拔會」複賽 2018 TIEC-SV Selection, final round

健康新體驗進入「2018 第二梯次 TIEC前進矽谷補助選拔會」的複賽名單!

「鏈結矽谷資源 x 拓展新創能量」 台灣創新創業中心TIEC,為科技部推動創新創業的重點計畫之一。每年皆舉辦前進矽谷補助選拔會,結合台灣與矽谷業師,選拔出具備國際市場發展潛力的台灣新創團隊。本選拔會將協助新創團隊在矽谷進行技術、資金之鏈結,以及委託矽谷當地人才進行行銷等協助與服務,以協助台灣新創團隊在國際市場創業成功。

健康新體驗本次於共約50個競賽團隊中,獲得前20名的複賽資格,非常感謝大家的支持與鼓勵! 我們會更努力,前進矽谷!

Hygeia Touch enters the final round of 2018 TIEC SV Selection!

The SV Selection of Taiwan Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (TIEC) is one of the key projects of Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST). Through the combinations of the mentors from Taiwan and Silicon Valley, this project selects the Taiwanese start-up teams which have the potential to enter the international market. The start-ups will be assisted from TIEC to connect funding and technologies in Silicon Valley, and the local experts from Silicon Valley will provide the assistance and services to help the Taiwan start-ups to enter the international market successfully.

Hygeia Touch got the ticket to compete with the other 20 teams in the final round, which was selected from 50 teams. We are very grateful and hope we can get the chance to kick off the SV project in Silicon Valley.

TIEC 前進矽谷補助選拔會 SV Selection Project from TIEC

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