經濟部中小企業處107年度小型企業創新研發計畫 (SBIR) 創業概念海選計畫是透過創意概念海選機制,協助新創企業在創業早期階段 (early stage) 能夠加速將創意轉換成創新,並且在市場變現,同時降低因資金、技術和市場的不確定性所造成的高失敗率風險。評選分類為依申請之研發計畫屬性分為「技術創新突破類」與「服務開發應用類」。
Hygeia Touch received the R&D funding awards in the "SBIR-Stage1" in open auditions!
Last year, there were 1,289 competition teams participating in the open auditions. This year, we were qualified into the 296 teams from the primary selection. In the final round competition, we became the top 100 and won the R&D funding awards!
The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) is the project raised from Small and Medium Enterprise Administration (MOEA). This project helps start-ups to transform the ideas and concepts into innovative products through the creative open audition. SBIR helps start-ups to realize the innovative products, enter the market, and reduce the risk of high failure rates in the early stage. The R&D funding award is classified into “Technology- Innovation and Breakthrough" and “Service- Development and Application” of the application.
In 2018, there are 68 teams entered the "Service- Development and Application" section, and 32 teams entered the "Technology- Innovation and Breakthrough" section. Total 100 teams get the SBIR R&D award. We are very grateful to become one of the winning teams in the "Technology- Innovation and Breakthrough" section. This is a great support and encouragement for us!
The Winner List of SBIR-Stage1