一年一度的台北國際電腦展 (Computex) 為期5天,今年論壇首度運用人臉辨識,炒熱人機介面市場話題。今年訂定的6大主題,新加入第五代行動通訊 (5G)、區塊鏈 (Blockchain)、再加上人工智慧 (AI)、物聯網技術應用 (IoT)、創新與新創 (Innovations & Startups)及電競與虛擬實境 (Gaming & VR) 等主題。
InnoVEX 2018結束了為期三天的展期。本次參展國家共21國,設立了13個國家館,國際團隊比例高達40%;參與的新創388家,數量多了4成。InnoVEX 2018堪稱舉辦三年以來最盛大、也最國際化的一屆。而除了當紅的AI與區塊鏈議題之外,本屆也特別加入了女性創業與電競議題,讓展示的議題元素更加多元。
健康新體驗股份有限公司本次在InnoVEX 的林口新創園區塊中展出,並且參加募資簡報 (Pi Stage, pitch presentation)。我們研發疾病與癌症檢測的前期生物標記,並將其整合至POC體外檢測試片。並且,我們開發由手機收集檢測試片、IOT裝置及檢驗報告的非結構化資訊,透過大數據分析平台即時轉化成結構化資料儲存及數據分析,提供更精準的健康服務。健康新體驗,期能提供給您新的健康體驗,及新的自我健康管理模式。
The 2018 Computex lasted for 5 day, and used face recognition and the human-machine interface as the new topic. Six major themes this year including, new 5th Generation mobile networks (5G), the blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things technology (IoT), Innovations & Startups, and Gaming & Virtual Reality (VR) as the major topics.
InnoVEX 2018 extension for three days. A total of 21 countries participating, and 13 national exhibition section has been established. The proportion of international teams is as high as 40%. The number of startups reached to 388 companies, which has increased by 40%. The exhibition this year is the grandest and most international event in three years. In addition to the popular AI and blockchain issues, this year InnoVEX also specifically joined the women's entrepreneurship and Gaming topics, make the themes of the exhibition become more diverse.
Hygeia Touch joined the exhibition of Startup Exposition in InnoVEX and presented pitch deck in Pi Stage. We develops in vitro diagnosis (IVDs) devices with the precision biomarkers for disease and cancer detection. We develop self-diagnostic devices by the “Lap on Paper” technology platform, and provide precise healthcare by integration of a big data cloud platform. We provide private, safe, and comfortable solutions to take care of family health, and wish our precise healthcare solutions help family members with good and relaxing users’ experiences. Hygeia Touch provides you the new health experiences, the new personal health management technology.
台北國際電腦展 https://www.computextaipei.com.tw/zh_TW/index.html
ComputexTaipei https://www.computextaipei.com.tw/en_US/index.html
InnoVEX https://www.innovex.com.tw/