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Writer's pictureHygeia Touch 健康新體驗

2018 APEC O2O 高峰會募資簡報第一名(數位時代專訪) 2018 APEC O2O Summit Pitch Winner (The interview to Business Next)

Updated: Mar 12, 2019

APEC亞太經濟合作組織(Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation)是我國少數以正式會員身分參與的重要國際組織,2016年我國與菲律賓共同提案執行「APEC中小企業O2O新商業模式應用倡議」,鼓勵亞太新創及中小企業運用O2O(Online-to-Offline虛實整合)新商業模式參與數位經濟商機,透過網路行銷來推動實體業務; 此一經商模式可觸及跨境商機及市場機會,藉由國際舞台促進新創國際化。

這次高峰會共有菲律賓、泰國、馬來西亞、越南等20國代表與會,議題聚焦全球數位經濟發展趨勢、中小企業數位轉型與新創經驗等面向,並設置「新創團隊SHOWCASE」、「AR/VR體驗」、「國際投資洽談」等三大主題展區,將Fintech金融科技、AI人工智慧、IoT物聯網及AR/VR 虛擬實境等創新科技融入高峰會議程。

健康新體驗公司目前致力於發展女性相關的感染及疾病自我檢測,期能提供更準確、方便、自在、省時的檢測方式,讓大家能擁有更健康快樂的生活。我們有幸受邀在APEC中跟大家分享我們的理念及產品,並於來自世界各國的31組募資簡報競賽中,獲得了第一名的獎項 SEMA Award,以及前往菲律賓APEC會議參展的機會!我們非常感謝大家所給予的肯定與期許,我們會更努力地往前邁進!

APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) is one of the important international organizations that we participate as a full member. In 2016, we and the Philippines jointly proposed to implement the “APEC SME O2O New Business Model Application Initiative” to encourage Asia-Pacific new and small and medium-sized enterprises. Enterprises use O2O (Online-to-Offline) new business model to participate in digital economic opportunities and

promote physical business through online marketing. This business model can touch cross-border business opportunities and market opportunities, and promote startups internalization through the international platform.

The summit was attended by 20 countries including the Philippines, Thailand,

Malaysia, and Vietnam. The topics focused on global economic development trends, the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, and the startups. The APEC summit also sets up three major exhibition areas as the"showcasing startups", "experiencing AR/VR applications", and "discussing international investment". These topics were integrated into the agenda of the Summit with the innovative technologies such as Fintech (Financial Technology), AI (Artificial Intelligence), IoT (Internet of Things) and AR/VR (Virtual Reality).

Hygeia Touch is currently working to develop the self-diagnostic devices for women-related infections and diseases, and to provide the more accurate, convenient, comfortable and cost-effective solutions so that everyone can have a healthier and happier life. We are very honored to be invited to share our ideas and products in APEC pitch competition and have won the first place, the SEMA Award, in 31 groups from all over the world! We also got the ticket to go to the APEC meeting in the Philippines. We are very grateful for the recognition and expectations, which make us move forward!

感謝數位時代的專訪:APEC O2O高峰會,亞太新創薈萃高雄 引領數位創新潮流-下世代創新

我們的募資競賽影片 (Our video for pitch competition) 

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