健康新體驗的創始團隊,亦在本屆的新創獎競賽中獲獎。來自清華大學的研發團隊,利用生物化學及奈米製程技術,將目標生物分子呈現在試紙上。期能利用"Lab on Paper" 的技術,讓疾病檢測變得容易且方便,為大家帶來更多的生活便利性。檢測結果將以簡單的試紙顏色變化來呈現,讓民眾可以利用簡單、快速的檢測方式,就能了解是否有受到疾病或感染。
The 11th National New Innovation Awards ceremony was held on the 9th. The deputy president Dun-Yi Wu and the founder of the Taiwan Healthcare, Jin-Ping Wang, presented 32 award-winning teams of enterprises, academic research, and clinical innovations. President of the Taiwan Healthcare, Wei-Zhao Chen, said that in the past, R&D and high-risk technologies were generally not invested in venture capital, and the technology could only stay in the laboratory. Therefore, the Taiwan Healthcare and Diamond Biotech signed a cooperation in 2012, selected the topic from the competition platform, assisted in the financing of ventures for the early innovation of academic technology, and enabled these early-stage R&D results to have an opportunity to bear fruit. The successful fundraising has allowed the establishment of three start-up companies, and it is also hoped to encourage more venture capitalists or capitalists to join and provide seed funds.
The founding team of Hygeia Touch also won the award in this competition. The R&D team from Tsinghua University used biochemistry and nano-fabrication technology to coated target bio-molecules on the test paper. We use the "Lab on Paper" technology to make disease detection become easy and convenient, and bring more benefit to life. The results will be presented in an easy way, allowing people to use simple, fast color changes to see if they got diseases or were infected.
In the future, Hygeia Touch hopes to develop the automatic image interpretation and recording APP, provide the personal health management of the regular health check and long-term health tracking.