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Writer's pictureHygeia Touch 健康新體驗

2018 台灣評論專訪 The Interview to Taiwan Review


「台灣評論」月刊(Taiwan Review) 創刊於1951年4月,為我國歷史最悠久的英文官方刊物。 台灣評論討論的面向相當廣泛,包含政治、經濟、社會、環境以及藝術相關的資訊。世界各國人民、僑胞及國際來台旅客透過閱讀這份具代表性刊物,可深入瞭解台灣。

健康新體驗在2018 APEC O2O 高峰會的Pitch競賽中拿到第一名(1//31)的殊榮,深深的感謝大家的支持跟鼓勵。而外交部「台灣評論」的採訪邀約,更讓我們信心大增!非常感謝台灣評論,支持我們的公司理念及產品價值,讓我們更能被世界看見,讓健康新體驗非常感動!

能夠接受採訪,健康新體驗像是打了一劑強心針!Point-of-care (POC)的居家定點照護觀念在台灣尚不夠普及,我們會再接再厲,希望能讓大家都享有方便、舒適的自我健康管理!

We are very appreciated for the special interview to "Taiwan Review", which is the magazine of Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Republic of China (Taiwan) in Hygeia touch!

Taiwan Review published in 1951 April, it is the oldest official English publication in Taiwan. Taiwan Review provides an in-depth discussion of various aspects of Taiwan including politics, economics, society, the environment, and the arts. Through reading this representative publication, people from all over the world, overseas Chinese and international visitors can gain an in-depth understanding of Taiwan.

Hygeia Touch won the first place (1//31) in the Pitch competition at the 2018 APEC O2O Summit. Thank you for your support and encouragement. Taiwan Review had an interview with us has greatly increased our confidence! We are very grateful to Taiwan Review, for supporting our company concept and product value, so that we can be seen by the world!

Being able to be interviewed, this opportunity gives us a very strong encouragement! The concept of Point-of-care (POC) is still not very popular in Taiwan society. We will continue to work hard, and hope that everyone can enjoy convenient and comfortable self-health management!

台灣評論專訪內容 The interview to Taiwan Review,31&unitname=Taiwan-Review&postname=Inclusive-Regional-Growth

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